Cassava Village Processing Programme - Zanzibar (CVPP-Z) under took an in depth analysis on the cassava trade in Zanzibar markets. The study focused on examining market trends and demand in the cassava value chain though a market profiling conducted in specific programme sites by Farm Concern International (FCI) with support from Alliance for Green Revolution Africa (AGRA).

Cassava trade in Zanzibar experiences its peak between June and December every year. On average, about 30MT of fresh cassava is traded in each of the subject market monthly. More specifically, Shimoni and Chake Chake markets trade an average of 30.0 and 30.3 MT respectively in the high season. During this period a bag of 77 Kgs fresh cassava is sold at an average price of TZS 13,000 (US$ 6.5) in Shimoni market, and TZS 8,000 (US$ 4) in Chake Chake market.

In the off peak season, cassava prices more than double the prices in peak seasons. In Shimoni market for instance, prices increase by about 130% setting the new market price for the same bag of fresh cassava at TZS 30,000 (US$ 15). The same trend was observed in Chake Chake market where prices increase by about 113% where the same 77 Kgs bag of fresh cassava trades at TZS 15,000 (US$ 7.5) in the low season.  Like any other commodity, Zanzibar markets experience reduced volumes of fresh cassava traded during the off peak season with only 22.5MT and 21.5MT volumes of fresh cassava traded in Shimoni and Chake Chake Markets respectively.

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