a). Africa Award for Excellence in Innovations in Agriculture Value chains Support by AFRACA

FCI was recognized for its innovation and creativity in reaching smallholder farmers among African banks, micro‐finance institutions and other service providers by the African and Agricultural Credit Association (AFRACA) in 2013.  This was during the AFRACA's “Value chain finance – lessons learnt/exhibition” forum held in Dakar Senegal in November, 2013.

FCI's submission was published by AFRACA in a book that showcases the contribution that African banks, micro-finance institutions and other service providers are making to African development and meeting the Millennium Development Goals by developing innovative tailored financing instruments that link smallholder farmers to the larger economy. 

b). Recognition from the Government of Kenya (GoK)

The Kenyan Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture recognized the efforts of FCI in the last decade by awarding a Certificate of Recognition towards FCI's contribution to food security in Kenya during the Word Food Day celebrations in 2012 and 2013 consecutively.

c). Recognition by Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE)

FCI was awarded a Certificate of recognition for the role played in the growth of the Agriculture and Trade sector in Uganda, in 2012. This was during the National Agricultural and Trade Show held at the 20th Source of Nile, whose theme was 'Promoting smart farming for sustainable national food security, farm incomes and regional market opportunities'.

UNFFE is the largest non-governmental farmers' organization in Uganda. The Organization was founded in 1992 by farmers from all over the Country, with the objective of mobilizing the farming community to have one voice under one independent umbrella organization. It started as Uganda National Farmers' Association (UNFA) and changed to a Federation in 2002 to embrace various commodity associations and service providers.

d). Farm Concern International wins The Pro-Poor Innovations Challenge Global Award 

FCI was recognized for delivering innovative financial services to very poor clients, FCI was one of the five organizations that were rated as best in pro poor innovations models and methodologies aimed at improving livelihoods of the poor out of the 225 global participants.

The Pro-poor Innovations Challenge is sponsored by the World Bank, as part of the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) initiative. CGAP is a global partnership of 34 leading organizations that seek to advance financial inclusion. CGAP develops innovative solutions through practical research and active engagement with financial service providers, policy makers, and funders to enable approaches at scale. 

FCI evolves social African Villages to Commercial Villages and strategically linked to the markets. To trigger commercialization for poor communities lacking a creditworthiness status, FCI has a Trigger Fund; a development credit line that covers commercialization and market access-related expenses while Commercial Villages embark on mandatory savings drawn from sales under the concept of Commercial Village Banking Services. The process enhances bridging the gap between poverty and creditworthiness and eventually graduating poor households to conventional micro-finance institutions who otherwise would not have offered credit to extremely poor households.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.