Our Work in Tanzania
The huge uncultivated chunks of fertile land in Tanzania is the best pointer to the untapped Agricultural potential. Unlike its neighbor Uganda, Tanzania is not landlocked and boasts one of the best ports in the East Africa region, which can be used to transport produce to other markets abroad. FCI works with several partners to implement a couple of programmes in Tanzania. See list below

Our Interventions
SeFaMaCo intervention will seek to optimize farm potential for sweet potato production, based on a determined commercial loss of 1.74 billion annually in Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. The project will be implemented in Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania targeting 1,016,113 beneficiaries. The implementation approach is based on a partnership approach with FCI as the lead partner and three levels of partnership: sub-grantees, private sector innovation fund and strategic partners). Read More
Domestic Horticultural Markets (DoHoMa) programme was designed for domestic markets mainstreaming with a focus on Traditional Africa Vegetables (TAVs), Bulb Onion and Irish Potatoes in Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi and Tanzania. In the three year period of implementation, commercialization of prioritized crops has continuously increased. As a result, farmers’ sales increased from USD 63,422,687 in 2012 to USD 89,113,837 in 2013. Read More
Cassava Village Processing Project (CVPP) was implemented by FCI in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania with financial support from the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). The project enhanced food security for 135,238 households and further graduated cassava into a commercialized commodity for food security, value addition and ultimately industrial use.Through the CVPP project, FCI engaged 135,238 households who were mobilized to work collectively as trading blocs through the Commercial Village Model. Read More
The Commercial Village Processing Programme - Zanzibar (CVPP-Z) is a 27 months project that has been under implementation by Farm Concern International (FCI) in partnership with Zanzibar Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) Kizimbani since January, 2015. The programme is supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and is being implemented in North B, Central and Chake Chake Districts of Zanzibar...Read More
Agricultural is known as an engine for the Tanzanian economy. Agricultural output remains predominately based on small holder production. The sector is hampered by a combination of constraints one of them being access to markets. The majority who are affected with this reality are small holder farmers...Read More
The Commercial Village Processing Programme - Zanzibar (CVPP-Z) is a 27 months project that has been under implementation by Farm Concern International (FCI) in partnership with Zanzibar Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI) Kizimbani since January, 2015. The programme is supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and is being implemented in North B, Central and Chake Chake Districts of Zanzibar...Read More
The project is implemented in Kinampanda and Mtinko ADPs in Singida region by a consortium of partners including; World Vision Tanzania (WVT), Micro Ensure (ME), Vision Fund Tanzania (VFT) and FCI with financial support from World Vision Australia.The overall goal of the project is to contribute towards improved community resilience, food security and climate change adaptation for the wellbeing of children among communities...Read More
Farm Concern International (FCI) with support from Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, (AGRA), is implementing the Expanded Commercial Village Processing Programme (ECVPP) in Kenya and Tanzania. The project supports 113,292 smallholder cassava and sweet potato farmers in 272 commercial villages in Busia, Makueni, Kilifi, Mtwapa, Mwala and Homabay in Kenya and Meru and Kibaha sites in Tanzania...Read More