Beans are the third largest produced crop in Tanzania after maize and cassava. The main production areas are in the Northern Zone particularly Arusha, Kilimanjaro and Manyara region. Farm Concern International (FCI) with funds from HiVos through Agri-Nutrition for Coffee Zone in Tanzania undertook a rapid market opportunity assessment on commercialization and agri-trade of various agro-food commodities. This brief provides key highlights of the beans market in Tanzania based on findings from markets in Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions.

Market Environment

Beans production in Tanzania is dominantly substance mainly produced by female smallholder farmers.  The surplus production from the smallholder farmers as well as large scale farmers is normally supplied to both domestic and regional markets. At the market, traders set their prices according to quality, variety, season, and their marketing costs. 

Market Size and value traded

On average, beans cover the highest market size of all agri-food commodities in Arusha and Kilimanjaro regions estimated at 27% market size value. 

It is also the highest traded commodity with a collective cumulative monthly turnover of USD 594,717 compared to rice (USD 506,189), Irish potatoes (USD 280,542), and onions (USD 209,483) which are the next leading commodities after beans.

Distribution and Sourcing

Sourcing is influenced by various factors including demand levels, rate of stock turn over, perishability nature of the commodity, storage facilities logistics of supply and cost involved in sourcing among others. Occasionally, traders procure their produce directly from farmers and wholesale markets. 

On average, approximately 15,030Kgs of beans are traded in Arusha and Moshi (Kilimanjaro region) markets monthly. 

Category: Market Research
Hits: 8776

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.