Mr. Khoswe sells onions and tomatoes and cabbages during peak seasons at Thondwe Market. He could not procure enough volumes until he was linked to Commercial Villages (CVs) by Farm Concern International, FCI under the Domestic Markets Regional Programme funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Mr Khoswe cherishes the exposure and training on business planning and development by FCI which has enhanced his capacity to procure produce and manage and grow his business.  

Chiyembekezo Khoswe loading his onion at Makawa CV

He sources produce from reliable partners through the Commercial Village Model. Currently he buys up to 5 tons of onion per month from a number of Commercial Villages which is a 100% increase from the 2.5 Tonnes he used to purchase before the intervention. The introduction of onion to Chingale area has helped him reduce transportation cost because it is closer to his selling point. From the volume sourced he makes gross sales of up to K350, 000 (USD1, 000) per month and he has never taken loan from any institution despite the fact that FCI introduced him and other traders to financial Service providers at Thondwe Market Traders.

“Since I started working with FCI, I have built 3 good houses with corrugated iron sheets, cement and burnt bricks” says Mr. Khoswe. “One house with 3 bedrooms is for my Mother, one for my wife’s parents and the third for my family.” 

Mr. Khoswe plans to start a restaurant at Thondwe and has already identified suitable premises. We wish him more success.

Hits: 33741

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.