Farmers from Mae Village had never considered growing Zucchini for food consumption or commercial purposes until Farm Concern International conducted Zucchini commercialization training under the Market- Led Agriculture Programme funded by Canadian International Development Agency and World Vision.

After 32 small-holder farmers participated in the training sessions, they formed Jitume Commercial Producer Group(CPG) and immediately put their knowledge into practice. They planted Zucchini on a quarter acre in October 2013 and used cow dung manure and organic pesticides to ensure that none of the fruits would be infested. They harvested 0.5 tons and sold a kilogram of Zucchini at TZS. 3000. The farmers were very encouraged by the break through hence planned to continue with the same during the next planting season.

Mr. Boniface Musiba from Shamiri Commercial Producer Group in Kawaya village, Arusha was one of the beneficiaries who visited the exhibition in Arusha and adopted the drip irrigation technology. Boniface purchased the drip irrigation kit worth USD 375 and installed on his 0.5 acre plot of tomatoes. He also purchased 2,500 improved variety tomato seeds valued at USD 28.125.

He harvested 2.96 tons of tomatoes worth USD 1,387.5 as a result of adoption of good agricultural practices. From the proceeds, he spent USD 500 to pay fees for his two children, USD 500 to renovate his house and saved the remaining balance of USD 387.5 as capital for the next farming season.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.