Smallholder farmers access to inputs is usually faced with myriad challenges especially due to high prices and unavailability. Additionally, the distribution channels are rarely monitored and unreliable leading to exploitation through unreasonable pricing and sometimes unscrupulous traders have a lee way to distribute sub-standard inputs. This in turn affects farmers adversely increasing the cost of production due to massive crop failure. Provision of quality and affordable inputs to farmers can enhance productivity and lower cost of production thereby making them competitive. Access to critical agro services is one of the strategic sustainability pillars promoted by FCI that is geared towards creating spin off enterprises for famers

It is against this back drop that Farm Concern International under the Agri-Market Service Centres Programme funded by Rockefeller Foundation and in collaboration with other strategic partners organized the inputs trade fair in Chaaria to enable farmers access affordable and certified inputs from accredited agro companies. The input fair was targeting the October-December season majorly in support of alternative value chains prioritized by the programme. The event was conducted on 11th and 12th October 2018 targeting farmers from the centre and its environs. The input fair event was very successful and well attended by farmers and stakeholders. A total of 252 farmers and over 15 agro-input companies attended the two-day event where besides buying various inputs, farmers were trained on farming systems for optimal returns per unit area.

Chaaria Agri-market Service Centre is well established with various infrastructure that include a cooling chamber, mango puree processing machine, office block and toilets. The centre sits on an acre of land with ample space to add more structures and serve as a learning centre. Chaaria Agri-market Service center has prioritized input distribution as one of enterprises where they will be linked to accredited agro companies to act as end distributors of inputs at a margin thereby creating sustainability.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.