The Inzonzi Nziza pilot project aims at impacting more than 6000 smallholder farmers by increasing their income by 150%, using modern agricultural production techniques, market access and value chains development through strategic partnerships with business service providers for access of inputs, transport services as well as credit facilities for improved productivity.

During the launch, the project was rated by Rwandan media houses as the most promising project in the Country. The project will work as a tripartite consortium partnership with World Vision Rwanda as lead partners while FCI and VFC (Vision finance Company Limited) will be implementing partners. 

The Launch was attended by WVR National Director Mr. George Gitau, Deputy National Director Ms. Cynthia among other senior WVR staff. The government was fully represented by Nyaruguru District Mayor and other senior officials from Nyamagabe district. 

Various speakers applauded this initiative as an  integrated approach that would avail essential services to farmers and trigger innovative ideas among smallholder farmers , enhancing competition and participation in the market.

 VFC through its CEO emphasized that access to credit by farmers, tailored to their needs would  boost productivity by enabling them access high-yield seeds and other inputs. It was therefore a necessary recipe for commercialization of  subsistence production. FCI did a presentation on the benefits of business models that seek to enhance farmer’s efficiency, leveraging on neighbourliness to build partnerships. Africa Director, David Ruchiu, during his presentation on Commercial Village Model, emphasised on the need for African communities to fight poverty through enhanced trade systems, strategic  partnerships, improved product qualities, sufficient supply and better prices. 




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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.