Through development of strategic business partnerships between smallholders and market players, Zanzibar cassava farmers have begun reaping the rewards. So far, 1,197 smallholder farmers are competitively and profitably participating in the market place and realizing benefits.

 Through series of Village Business Forum (VBS) facilitated by Farm Concern International (FCI), with support from Alliance for Green Revolution Africa (AGRA) through Cassava Village Processing Programme - Zanzibar (CVPP-Z), farmers have been linked to various stakeholders in the cassava value chain such as agro-processors wholesale buyers, input suppliers and financial service providers.

The linkages created with buyers resulted to sales worth US$ 16,135.61 realized in June 2015. Cumulatively, CVPP-Z project has so far aided trade of a total of 1,235.7 MT of cassava by smallholder cassava farmers in North B, Central of Unguja Island and Chake Chake and Wete in Pemba Island – Zanzibar.

 Through strategic business partnerships, the project anticipates to raise annual incomes of 2,500 smallholder cassava farmers of Zanzibar from the current US$ 202.9 to US$ 759 by 2017.


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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.