The farm inputs industry is dynamic and therefore farmers have to keep researching on new entrants and improved items in the market.  Consequently, FCI introduced ASA onion seeds to Ngage Commercial Village in Tanzania under the Northern Tanzania Rice Commercialization Programme implemented by Farm Concern International with support from World Vision Australia.

Victoria Mwanga and her neighbour, Asnath Jasper were among the beneficiaries of these improved seeds. Previously, Victoria would plant up to 7 Kgs onion seeds in one acre and get yields of about 50 bags. 

FCI encouraged members of Ngage Commercial Village to try the ASA seeds during the subsequent planting season. Victoria and Asnath each bought 6 Kg of Bombay red from ASA and planted 2 acres (3kg/acre) as was recommended by the suppliers. During harvest season, their yield had doubled; Victoria harvested 131 bags while Asnath harvested 180 bags of onion which she sold at a price of Tzs .70,000  (USD. 44) per bag, earning Tzs.12, 600,000 (USD. 7875). This enabled Asnath to build a house and install a solar panel for lighting the house as well as other domestic uses such as radio and mobile phone charging.

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.