From adoption of Good Agronomic Practices, Mrs. Hadija Guyo has increased her green grams yields from 5-8kg/quarter acre to 50kg/quarter acre, a 900% increase. Hadija, a single mother of two, attended training at Boru Haro in Kukub Tiro CV where a demo was conducted by FCI and the Ministry of Agriculture on how to plant and space green grams and how to identify good quality seeds (N26).

When she planted green grams again in April, Hadija followed all the procedures she got from training. She put manure in her ¼ acre of land and prepared by ploughing and harrowing it well before she planted the N26 variety distributed by the MoA.

After harvest, Hadija was linked to a trader called Mariam. She sold her 50kgs of green grams at KES100/kgs totaling to KES 5,000 (USD 50.35). With this money, she paid for her child’s medical expenses, bought some food stuffs for her family and saved the remaining amount for monthly contributions to her group, Kukubo Tiro youth group.

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