Farm Concern International has continued to realize her dream of commercializing agriculture in Africa with the launch of a new programme targeting smallholder farmers in Rubirizi and Bushenyi districts in Uganda. The Commercial Villages for Market Access Programme was launched on 22nd September 2017 at Crane Resort in Ishaka Uganda in an event graced by the Local Council Chairman of Rubirizi district, Mr. Agubanshongorera Sylvester. The meeting brought together stakeholders in the agricultural sector including smallholder farmers, private sector partners, government representatives, research organizations, universities and development organizations. 

The Commercial Villages for Market Access Programme is being implemented by Farm Concern International, FCI with support from Stromme Foundation and close collaboration with Community Volunteer Initiative for Development (COVOID) with the aim of improving market and trade efficiency for smallholder farmers and wholesale buyers along the target value chains. This will be achieved through the Commercial Village Model and business partnership development with various markets targeting 1000 households in 5 Commercial Villages in Rubirizi and Bushenyi districts of Uganda over a 15 months period. The Commercial Village Model (CVM) is a smallholder commercialization, market and trade development approach designed by Farm Concern International through which smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists, farmer organizations and agro-enterprises are systematically evolved and graduated into viable, competitive, profitable and sustainable value chain players.  The model has been tested for 13 years in over 8 countries and with over 50 commodity value chains, 132 strategic partners and governments.

Speaking during the meeting, FCI Uganda Senior Progammes Manager, Mr. Tomson Okot-Chono highlighted that the programme aims to systematically build capacity of the smallholders turning them into profitable farmers, increase incomes and build capacity of farming families for socio-economic growth and break-off poverty cycles. Tomson added, “The programme will catalyze collective action for farmers in Rubirizi district creating sustainable partnership with output buyers, inputs companies, business development service providers and other development partners.”  

Specific interventions focusing on women and youth empowerment will be undertaken targeting at least 40% women and 30% youth thus enhancing access to their respective sustainable incomes. Commercial Villages’ capacity will be developed through use of FCI training kits with the aim of enhancing adoption of technologies and business skills by rural farmers. Commercial Village Trade Facilitators (CVTFs) will be trained as local commercialization and trade facilitators.The Programme targets to increase farm gate value of the target commodities by 10% and facilitate annual sales worth USD 750 per household translating to USD 1.5 Million. Additionally, household and wholesaler buyers’ incomes are anticipated to increase by at least USD 250 and USD 300 respectively per year. 

Stromme Foundation M&E Manager, Mr. Richard observed that the Commercial Villages Model is the best vehicle to pull smallholders from poverty since they are constrained by low level of commercialization, limited access to markets information and multiple layers of predatory market players which work in tandem to reduce gross margins for smallholder farmers.

Mr. Alex Amuda, FCI Markets and Trade Manager shared statistical evidence from the rapid market appraisal conducted in Rubirizi and Bushenyi districts for value chain prioritization that informed the programme and the programme implementation approach. The districts are characterized by traditional marketing systems that are predominantly informal with high levels of trade and business inefficiencies, poor information flow as well as several chain actors. The marketing systems also have low volumes of market demanded varieties as well as inefficient transport arrangements which often result in high cost of marketable commodities. In some villages, farm produce does not reach potential markets. The project aims at harnessing various domestic marketing systems through market driven production and market access of selected value chains. Social capital related to farming is limited among farmers with only 32.7% of farmers belonging to farmer groups dealing with farming activities. The findings indicated that women belong to farmer groups more compared to youth and male farmers. Households were accessing relatively small land sizes with the average land size accessed by a household being 2.7 acres although on average 0.79 acres per household is not put under production. Male farmers access more land than female and young farmers. 

An analysis of crops grown revealed that Beans (34%), Bananas (26%), Coffee (14%), Tea (11%) and maize (7%) were grown by majority of the households in the targeted sub-counties. Beans, Bananas and maize were produced for both food and sale, while coffee and tea was mainly cultivated for commercial gain. The wide spectrum of crops produced is a result of the bimodal rainfall in the area that favours crop diversification. He however, noted that almost all farmers interviewed (98%) were using indigenous crop varieties. This presents an opportunity for the programme to promote improved varieties among targeted beneficiaries. 

Challenges in production

Across all target sub-counties, pests and diseases pose the greatest challenge to crop production. The other major challenges are lack of water for irrigation, unpredictable weather and, the high cost of inputs. The project field extension staff will thus need to demonstrate technologies to farmer groups to control pests and reduce post-harvest losses. The emphasis will be need to be on low-cost, easily adopted practices. The integration of trees into the cropping system in Rubirizi and Bushenyi could also provide multiple benefits, including improved soil condition, and fodder, and other products. Furthermore, as both a risk mitigation strategy and to improve household nutrition and incomes, there will be need to promote diversification of crops.


Source: Rubirizi District value chain analysis, FCI, 2017

Access to Agro inputs

It was interesting noting that there was less than 20% average use of fertiliser in Rubirizi and Bushenyi districts as per the analysis. The major sources of fertiliser are Bushenyi Agro-dealers in Bushenyi town centre, MTK Uganda Ltd located in Mbarara City (97km away from Rubirizi) and, Eram Uganda Ltd. This low level of fertiliser use is consistent with fertiliser usage in many parts of Uganda. In Uganda, of the estimated loss of 80 kg of nutrients per hectare per year, farmers are adding only between 1-1.5 kg, making Uganda the least in fertiliser use almost in the whole world. This rate of use is below the average of 8 kg per hectare in Sub-Saharan Africa (Uganda National Fertiliser Policy, 2016). As a result, soil fertility decline is one of the binding constraints to agricultural growth in Uganda. The study revealed that in as much as some agro-input dealers exist, they are not easily accessible and in many instances, farmers mentioned that agro-inputs were not affordable. 

Speaking during the launch, Mr. Agubanshongorera Sylvester appreciated FCI for the impressive rapid market appraisal summaries and thanked Stromme Foundation for the new programme which will go a long way in supporting the Government’s agenda to alleviate poverty through agriculture. Moreover, he challenged the participants to stop complaining about inaction by the Government in addressing the issue of destruction of crops by animals from Queen Elizabeth park but come up with short term solutions like setting up bee hives because most of the destructive animals like the elephant don’t go near bees.

The participants appreciated the research findings and commented Farm Concern International for maintaining high levels of professionalism while conducting the study. The meeting called for immediate strategies to capacity build smallholders in the target area on the need for using certified seeds and fertiliser and ensure input suppliers are linked to the farmers for further capacity building and input supply. 


Category: Past Events
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FCI's Africa Director, David Ruchiu (second from right), FCI Board Chair, Prof. Meme Kinoti (Right) and other delegates share a brief moment during the Global Food Security Forum 2017 hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and held at Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, Washington DC from 29th to 30th March 2017

FCI Africa Director speaks at the Global Food Security Symposium on FCI's experience in retaining youth in profitability enterprises through Commercial Villages Model across Africa. On average, FCI's Commercial Village Farmers comprise of 20% youth e.g a Commercial Village with 500 Smallholder Farmers has 100 youth farmers.


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Private Sector Food Safety Nutrition Partnership

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Service Provision Partnerships

Do you have a product, equipment, service or technology suitable for smallholder farmers in Africa?

Join our agricultural market-led rural distribution system scale up and plug-in through “The Commercial Village Trade & Investment Platform (CVTIP)” targeting 2,000,000 farmers in five countries. Prioritized service provision categories:

  • Agri-mechanization
  • Food and feed processing
  • Water and energy solutions
  • Farm inputs
  • Affordable housing materials
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Postharvest solutions
  • Food, Nutrition & WASH

The partnership design is based on a 5-Year period and service providers will be invited for partnership meetings to assess how the company / enterprise fits into the CVTIP last mile delivery. As part of the partnership agreement, the service provider will co-design an implementation framework for selected countries and regions. Due diligence of the service providers will be undertaken by various teams for proven institutions and thereafter sign relevant documents.

Read through the Brief below and apply for service provision with USD 55 only required for process registration and an email with official receipt dispatched to your email upon authentication of pay.


Click Here to Register

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Blending of Flours for Enhanced Food and Nutrition Security Workshop

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FCI Africa Director speaks at the Global Food Security Symposium 2017 by Chicago Council on Global Affairs in Washington DC

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Tanzania Agri-Investment Buyer Data-Incentivized Forum unveils the key role played by Traditional Informal Wholesale Aggregators

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Hands-on Lessons & Impact Sharing by Kabunge Commercial Village with Tearfund UK, Eastern & Southern Africa Team Leaders

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Kimobo Farmers in Bungoma County challenged to adopt modern Technology

Farm Concern International, FCI; Anglican Development Services -Western and Bungoma County government Department of Agriculture, Livestock, fisheries and livestock through Feed the Future USAID Kenya Agricultural Value chain Enterprises organized a County Trade Fair on 28th October 2016 at Kimobo ACC grounds in Mt. Elgon sub-county.

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Farm Concern International conducts Trade Fair at Challa Tuhire Scheme, Taita Taveta County

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USAID East Africa and Ministry of Agriculture Launches Hermetic Storage Technology in Kenya

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FCI- USIU Africa Partnership Championing Agro-SME growth for youths employment and wealth creation

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FCI hosts East Africa Cassava Value Chain - Wide Profitability Forum

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FCI trains entrepreneurs from 5 COMESA Countries

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Agro-pastoralist Commercialization and Markets Programme in Northern Kenya Documentation

Agro-pastoralist Commercialization and Markets Programme in Northern Kenya is a two-year programme supported by TearFund UK and implemented by Farm Concern International (FCI) in Marsabit County, Kenya. 

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Highlights of the speech by former AGRA President: Jane Karuku

Former AGRA President Jane Karuku while delivering the key note address during the Cassava & Sweet Potato Investment Symposium emphasized the various technological options now available in enhancing commercialization of the two crops.  

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Senior Management Training (SMT) 2015

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Staff promotions 2014

 Performance management is a critical process which goes hand in hand with career planning and development for the staff in any institution. FCI takes this process seriously; this is at the heartbeat of the Human Resources Department. The team in this department is committed to ensuring that the team performs to the optimum and that their career development paths are planned and managed appropriately, in line with best HR practices and standards.

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CoMap Launch

CoMAP Project, which mainly targets to build the livelihoods of over 1,900 agro pastoralist households, will be launched on 19th February 2015 in Marsabit Central Sub-County at the Jirime Hotel and Resort. The event, which will be facilitated by Farm Concern International (FCI) with support from Tear Fund, will attract participants from Marsabit County government representatives, development partners and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries.

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2014 Staff Awards

Every year, Farm Concern International (FCI) recognizes and awards exceptional staff. The vetting process is rigorous and transparent, evaluating staff on key areas such as job effectiveness & productivity, team work, adherence to company policy and interpersonal skills. In 2014, eight staff received awards for their excellent well-rounded performance. 

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New Market for Sweet potato in Kisumu Promises Increased Income

Farm Concern International (FCI) recently held a trader-farmer event which attracted 130 smallholder farmers in Kabondo Constituency in Homa Bay County.  The event, led by Jared Kassam, the team leader and Hub Manager for Lake Victoria Hub, was presided over by a representative from the Investors of Homa SG, Mr. Gabriel Oduor. 

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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.