World Vision Australia has supported Farm Concern International, FCI to commercialize 11,000 smallholder rice farmers and consolidate project sales amounting to USD 9 Million in partnership with 60 buyers for a period of 36 months in Tanzania


Programme Summary

THRP project has been implemented in Kilimanjaro and Manyara regions of Northern Tanzania covering 3 Area Development Programmes i.e. Makindube, Ruvu Remiti, and Ruvu Muungano all in Same and Simanjiro districts. The project is funded by World Vision Australia and implemented through a consortium of partners including WVI- Tanzania, FCI, Vision Fund Tanzania and Micro-Ensure for weather based insurance. It targets 76,365 households.

THRP has had the following major achievements: market linkages for selected value chains (maize, Lablab, tomatoes, beans and sunflower), strategic partnerships (with extension agents, produce buyers and inputs suppliers), introduced post-harvest processors resulting to linkages with value chain partners and capacity building sessions  on post-harvest management for safe handling of produce and finally, introduction of SARO 5 early-maturing variety of rice.


Case Studies

Farmers reap benefits from use of Improved seed varieties

The farm inputs industry is dynamic and therefore, farmers have to keep researching on new entrants and improved items in the market. Consequently, FCI introduced ASA onion seeds to Ngage Commercial Village in Ruvu . Victoria Mwanga and her neighbour, Asnath Jasper were among the beneficiaries of these improved seed. Previously, Victoria would plant up to 7 Kgs onion seeds in one acre and get yields of about 50 bags. Read more

Collective action revolutionizing small-holder farming in Tanzania

Market dynamics are the same and apply without bias to both the small and large scale farmers. The stringent rules of quality, quantity and sustainable supply cut across the board; whether one is in small or large scale farming. Read more

The plight of women traders in agri-trade

Women in Africa play a key role in trade and are imperative to Africa’s success in exploiting its trade potential. Women make major contributions to trade in most African countries through their involvement in production of trade goods, as cross-border traders, managers and owners of agri-business firms. Read more





Category: Interventions
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FCI Programmes

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.