MacFin Model is a pro-poor value chain financing approach that is geared towards increased participation and growth of small holder farmers’ with the aim of graduating their enterprises through access to business related financial services. The model identifies the various constrains faced by small holder farmers along the entire value chain and isolates the opportunities that can be supported to spinoff trade. Injection of capital to viable business enterprises not only increases the smallholder participation but also enables them to become competitive players along the value chain. Potential enterprises that would have otherwise be left to fate become the main source of incomes for the smallholder farmers. On the other hand, the financial institutions are ready and willing to lend to the viable business enterprises already identified. FCI partners and various levels of stakeholders ranging from value chain players, governments, banks, input companies among others jointly implement this approach which acts as a catalytic fund provided to low income households to trigger commercialization through enhanced market access and improved competitiveness. MacFin scope includes, input credit, credit for marketing and business development services and Invoice discounting


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FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.