
Farm Concern International, FCI is transforming Agri-enterprises into viable and profitable entities through systematic capacity development & training. FCI has developed varied solutions and tailored packages for various clients including; Agro-processors, village agro-dealer network, formal and informal market buyers as well as youths in Agricultural enterprises. Through this incubation approach, FCI, works to support Agro-SMEs in business start-up processes, access to capital, planning and strategy development, technology coaching/transfer, acquisition of packaging technology, quality management and food safety assurance, matching with business support services as well as marketing. FCI has worked (2013) with Agribusiness Support Services a programme under FAO, to support 48 Agro-entrepreneurs in Kenya to increase market access through quality assurance and product development. Other beneficial partnerships that FCI treasures under this approach include Global Agribusiness Management Education programme of United States International University Africa (USIU-Africa) through which over 28 Agri-SMEs from Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda have been exposed to business upgrading strategies through Capacity development and training.

Case Studies

Reaping the Benefits of Collective Action

Mr. Thomson Lendoro is a farmer and a wholesale buyer who was introduced to Kongowea market and KAVES farmers in Taveta Sub County by Farm Concern International. Before the intervention by Farm Concern International, Mr. Lendoro struggled to source bananas since most of his suppliers were widely spread across Taveta Sub County and majority had low quality produce. As a result of USAID Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises training on Good Agricultural Practices, commercialization, market specifications and value addition, farmers now produce healthy bananas which fetch good prices...  Read More

Mr. Yewa Records Increased Profits by Buying from Aggregation Centers

Mr. Samson Yewa is one of the longest cereal traders in Awendo market of Migori County having been in the business for more than ten years. Mr. Yewa has been faced with myriad challenges in the business especially low supply of cereals during the off season and poor quality produce by farmers. This had forced him to source the product from Uganda and Tanzania leading to low profit margins. “Some time it was difficult when clients would place orders and I had to travel to Uganda or Tanzania to source for the grains...  Read More

Mobile Cassava Chipper transforming Tangakona Commercial Village local economy

The Tanga Kona Commercial Village is one of the organized CVs that form trading blocs for agricultural commodities. In doing this, the communities’ capacity to utilize available resources for commercial gains and to engage themselves in market-led production or processing activities has been enhanced as the Commercial Villages are strategically linked to buyers. This transforms the villages to commercialized entities that operate as business units – turning villagers and neighbours into organized business partners...  Read More

Commercial Village makes Ksh. 2.5M from cassava chunks and chips every month

Commercialization of Cassava has opened an additional financial window to farmers from Tangakona Commercial Village (CV) in Western Kenya. Farmers have taken advantage of market demand to supply the much needed cassava and sweet potatoes planting materials in Busia and beyond. This is as a result of commercialization campaigns and market linkages by Farm Concern International under the Cassava Commercialization and Processing Programme supported by Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and implemented by FCI...  Read More

Bubwini Commercial Village sets up a cassava processing plant in Zanzibar

Bubwini Commercial village in North B district was formed in 2015 as a result of commercialization campaigns conducted by Farm Concern International (FCI) under the Cassava Village Processing Programme funded by USAID through Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa. It has 4 Commercial Producer Groups (CPGs); Saa Njema, Tamaa Ipo, Masikini ndio mwenyewe kazi and Tumwambie nini with 100 members. It is led by a Commercial Village Trade Facilitator (CVTF); Maulid Othman famously known as Jesh (Army)...  Read More

Opportunities for Business Support Service Providers in E-CVPP

Farm Concern International - (FCI) has implemented many projects across Africa, with a vision to realize commercialized African households, hence increase incomes and improvelivelihoods. Among these projects is the Cassava Village Processing Project (CVPP), implemented for three years in Kenya and Tanzania. This project involved 54,000 farmers in 214 commercial villages. A key result was increased yields per acre (from 5MT to 9MT)...  Read More


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Our Business Models

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.