Without significant collateral, mainstream banks are reluctant to lend to smallholders. However, smallholders in Lake Victoria qualified for loans worth Ksh 1.85 million (USD 21,764) in the form of water pumps, plastic water tanks, pipes of different types and sizes, as well as farm inputs.



Project Summary

The USAID – Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Project was implemented by FCI in Western Kenya, Nyanza and lower Rift Valley (seven counties of Migori, Kisumu, Homabay, Busia, Bungoma, Vihiga and Bomet) with the aim of increasing households’ horticultural productivity and market access for improved incomes and nutrition. 

The project engaged 83,000 households through six key interventions namely; Households commercialization and market development, Commercial Village extension services, food based nutrition solutions for households CV savings, Gender integration and youth livelihoods. In addition, FCI supported and provided business development services to 10 project partners in 11 counties in order to build their capacity for farmer commercialization, market development and improved household nutrition. Commodities which were commercialized include Irish potatoes, tomatoes, OFSP, bulb onion, cabbage, banana, water melon and TAVs.

FCI mobilized 27,072 households into 111 Commercial Villages (CVs) and 1,165 Commercial Producer Groups (CPG) to produce and market target horticulture crops. Strategic partnerships were developed with different private and public sector actors along the value chain; capacity building in applied nutrition including kitchen gardening using bucket irrigation technology; post-harvest handling & value addition for onion, sweet potato, butternut and water melon; Savings, credit, investments and financial inclusion for strategic investments and credit worthiness; natural resources management through tree planting in the community. 

The KHCPP project engaged 83,000 households. 26 formal and 12 informal markets with 103 traders were linked to the CVs in the project site for business transaction.

Case Studies

KHCP Farmers’ Marketing Trends

A rapid assessment conducted by Farm Concern International (FCI) reveals that the proportion of farmers who were in the Kenya Horticultural Competitiveness Programme (KHCP) longer had greater access to institutional markets compared to those who were in the programmes for a lesser period. These farmers were able to sell more bananas, onions, sweet potatoes and tomatoes to institutions, an indication that access to market information and linkages among the farmers was gaining traction. Read More

Increased TAVs Production Scales up SHFs Income and Nutrition

One of the goals of KHCP project implemented in Lake Victoria Hub in Kisumu County, Kenya, was to promote product diversification by promoting high value crops suitable for smallholder production, commercialization and value-addition such as Traditional African Vegetables (TAVs). Research shows that people who regularly consume vegetables in their diet have chances of a healthier and longer life. Eating a diet rich in TAVs reduces heart disease, stroke and heart attack. It also protects against certain types of cancer and diabetes. Read More

Exposure to markets improves monthly Income to KES. 30,000 (USD 300)

Siteko Commercial Village in Western Kenya started in 2013 after commercialization campaigns by Farm Concern International under the USAID Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Programme. Read more

Commercialization has increased incomes and improved livelihoods

Farm Concern International (FCI), with funding from USAID-Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Programme (USAID-KHCP) implemented activities aimed at improving smallholder farmers’ competitiveness in horticultural productivity... Read more

Commercial Village qualify for a loan worth Ksh 1.85 million (USD 21,764)

Under the USAID Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Project (KHCP), FCI staff offered pre-credit training for farmers in the Kadem area, Nyanza region. This action was precipitated by FCI’s understanding that smallholders in Africa often lack the startup capital required to make the initial investment for their desired agro enterprise to kick off. As a result of the training, these farmers, who ordinarily would not qualify under the stringent credit market conditions were offered credit with a minimal interest rate of 10% for 18 months on assets, and 10% for four months on farm inputs. What a deal!   Read more



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FCI Programmes

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.