Through support from World Vision Rwanda, Farm Concern International is impacting over 6,000 small holder farmers by helping them partner with 171 buyers and generate sales USD 790,435 through use of modern agricultural techniques, market access and value chain development in Rwanda for 11 months.

Programme Summary

Value Chains, Enterprises Development, Market Access and Commercialization (VEMAC) is an intervention under INZOZI NZIZA project a tripartite partnership between World Vision Rwanda, Farm Concern International and Vision Finance Company Limited working closely with relevant government ministries to introduce innovations among smallholder farmers in Southern Rwanda specifically in Nyaruguru, Nyamagabe and Mudasomwa ADPs. The VEMAC intervention seeks to create enterprising solutions that trigger innovations within the smallholder farming communities. 

The project will facilitate atleast 6,000 smallholder farmers with modern agricultural production techniques, market access and value chains development through strategic partnerships. The value chains of consideration in the mentioned project sites include irish potatoes, dairy products, cereals, Traditional African Vegetables(TAVs), exotic market vegetables with an emphasis on red bulb onions among others.



Inzonzi Nziza Project Launched in Southern Rwanda with Targets Of Increasing Farmers’ Income by 150%

 The Inzonzi Nziza pilot project aims at impacting more than 6000 smallholder farmers by increasing their income by 150%, using modern agricultural production techniques, market access and value chains development through strategic partnerships with business service providers for access to inputs, transport services as well as credit facilities for improved productivity.

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 Programme set to benefit farmers through commercialization strategies

Through the Rwanda Multi-Value Chain and Enterprise Development Programme funded by World Vision Rwanda, Farm Concern International (FCI) conducted an assessment of existing Farmer Organizations with a view of understanding their location; membership; management and governance structures; aims and goals as well as the ability to contribute and benefit from their chosen value chains. Read More

Case Studies

Weighing Scales and Tenacity Turn Around the Fortunes of Kinigi farmers

Traditionally, Rwandese farmers and traders from Kinigi section used to sell their produce based on a fixed system of estimation, rigidly controlled by the traders. Irish Potatoes are a major source of income for both traders and farmers, but farmers were always incurring losses since traders’ estimates were based on the weight of a full sack at 110 Kg. This continued until Farm Concern International (FCI) under the Rwanda Multi-Value Chain & Enterprise Development programme funded by World Vision Rwanda began working with farmers to sort and grade the potatoes according to size and quality. Moreover, the training involved weighing the bags on calibrated scales and creating bulking centres that also act as information centres.Read More

Smallholder Farmer realizes a 733% increase in profits from Market Linkages

Charles Sekazuba, a resident of Kinigi in Northwest of Rwanda, has benefitted from Farm Concern International, FCI’s market linkages under the Rwanda Multi-Value Chain & Enterprise Development Programme implemented by Farm Concern International with support from World Vision Rwanda. His profits have had a 733% increase to between 2,300,000 to 2,500,000 Rwf from 300,000 Rwf per season.  Charles cultivates Irish potatoes on his farm. Previously, brokers (middlemen) and transporters gave him wrong market information on markets prices and benefitted more than him. Yields from his farm were sold without grading, in most cases as a mixture of good medium and bad quality which was affecting the prices and his revenues. He says that, prior to the intervention by Farm Concern International, Irish potato farming in Musanze was commercial but not aligned to market needs. “I could not deliver my farm products to the markets and deal with traders. I remember in some agricultural seasons, I could harvest from 1 tons to 5 tons and still be not able to sell it because of lack of market information”, he said. Read more





Category: Interventions
Hits: 14982

FCI Programmes

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.