Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Coca Cola Foundation funded Farm Concern International with the aim of facilitating more than 50,000 small- scale mango and passion fruit households (30 % of which are women) to double their income by 2014. During the marketing season FCI took a center stage of creating marketing linkages for the farmers in Mbeere region. Farmers have been connected to export, fresh produce and processing markets.  The coordinated marketing has helped farmers to timely offload their produce to the market at the required time. 

Programme Summary

FCI in partnership with Technoserve implemented project Nurture (Passion and Mango Market Access Development- PAMA) which is the project facilitating trade for 59,498 households in Lower Eastern, Rift Valley, Central and Coastal Kenya. This project is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Coca Cola Foundation with the aim of facilitating more than 50,000 small- scale mango and passion fruit households (30 % of which are women) to double their income by 2014.

Project Nurture (PAMA) sought  to empower the households by offering training programs, facilitating financial services and assisting in organizing them to access inputs and sustainable market channels for their mangoes (Kent, Vandyke, Apple, Tommy and Ngowe) and passion fruits (purple and yellow passion). 

The project had significant achievements in developing market linkages for the households; established 160 Commercial Producer groups that have formed 18 CVs; introduced water retention innovation to minimize irrigation losses; developed strategic partnerships with the Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant Business Development Service providers; undertook capacity building in value addition and post harvest management; Nutrition and dietary diversification; Women and youth empowerment.

Case studies

Farmers in Mbeere reaping the benefits of PAMA project, an FCI intervention Programme

During the marketing season FCI focused on creating marketing linkages for the farmers in Mbeere region. Farmers have been connected to export, fresh produce and processing markets. Coordinated marketing has helped farmers to timely avail their produce to the market. A farmer from Gatitu Commercial Producing Group (CPG) who sold 4.67 tons of Apple and Tommy mangoes to Sunny processors said, “For the first time in history my mangoes have not rot in the shamba..Read More

Category: Interventions
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FCI Programmes

FCI VISION :Commercialized smallholder communities with increased incomes for improved, stabilized & sustainable livelihoods in Africa and beyond.